How to be Happy Alone: 21 Steps to Enjoy a Quiet Life


“Nothing can bring you peace, but yourself.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Are you wondering how to be happy living alone? Whether you’re an introvert or not, there are interesting ways to enjoy time by yourself. This process is especially needed if you don’t want to force friendships or feel unhappy about living an isolated life. If you can learn how to be alone and happy, you won’t depend on anyone for joy.

You should understand that there’s a difference between being alone and lonely. In this article, we’ll focus on short and long-term ways to learn how to be ok being alone. Trying a variety of these activities will guarantee effective results. Here are twenty ways to build happiness by yourself.

21 Steps on How to be Happy Alone

  1. Don’t make comparisons.

Whether you’re an introvert or simply confined to a quiet life, the last thing to do is compare yourself to other people. Even though others might seem to have bubblier schedules and a pool of social activities, it doesn’t guarantee that they are indeed happy. It’s possible to be surrounded by a group of friends and still feel lonely.

Therefore, the first step to being happy alone is realizing that you can build your happiness irrespective of the circumstances surrounding you. Try not to wish you were in other people’s shoes because that does not guarantee that you’ll experience glee. 

Accepting your present situation is paramount if you want to learn to be happy alone. Don’t think of it as a problem but a stepping stone to greater opportunities. 

2. Reduce social media activities.

As an introvert, I naturally enjoy solitude, which means I’m happy to be alone. However, after an unintended breakup, I became agitated about spending time by myself. I entered a frantic situation of posting on my social media pages to fill the void of loneliness. However, the more I posted, the more I felt alone.

If you want to learn how to be happy alone after breakup, it starts with reducing social media activities to the barest minimum. For me, I didn’t post anything on my pages in weeks - no sad quotes or messages I wished my former partner would see. It made me more comfortable with the new silence in my life, and I realized how to be okay being alone.

You can apply these steps if you’re going through anything similar. Don’t avoid the pain, but allow yourself to experience it. 

3. Stop scrolling through your feed.

It’s one thing to stop posting while it’s another thing to stop scrolling through your feed. If scrolling through feeds makes you feel emptier than when you began, you should end it. This step is necessary to help you stop seeking comfort in an unreal environment and will teach you how to be alone and be happy. 

Whenever you see yourself indulging, try to take a break. It will prevent you from desiring a life that’s too farfetched to achieve. More so, whatever we see on social media is only ten percent of the entire story. People make multiple efforts to look good online and it’s easy to feel left out. 

To stay happy being alone, focus on consuming productive content online, and learn to take breaks.

4. Let your mind escape.

As introverts, we naturally have an active imagination. If being happy by yourself is your goal, then you must use this tool to your advantage. Whether or not you’re a reserved person, you can learn how to live alone by harnessing the wonders of your mind. It might be unsettling for the first few times, but it’s necessary for the long run.

If you find yourself struggling with any activity, take a break and let your mind wander. Be comfortable with the process and enjoy wherever it takes you. Keep this session short to avoid ruminating over the wrong things. The more you can get accustomed to enjoying the beauty of your mind, the more you’ll end up being alone happy.

Related: Am I Too Quiet? P.S. No, You’re Not. A How-To Guide to Using Your Introversion to Your Advantage

5. Treat yourself.

Most times, we believe we need others to be around us before we can be truly happy. This occurs because we expect them to treat us nice and tell us things we’d like to hear. Nevertheless, we can be our own best friends and partners even when people aren’t around us. Learning how to be okay with being alone means doing whatever you wish others would do to you. 

Taking yourself out on a date is a profitable example. It doesn’t have to be an expensive location or one that’s particularly crowded. Wear one of your favorite outfits, pick a quiet restaurant and order some of your favorite treats. This step is how to be happy by yourself. You might even be surprised to see others riding solo like yourself.  

6. Hit the gym.

Exercise plays an essential role in how to be happy alone. The body has several hormones that can influence your mood, and thankfully, exercise can trigger one of them. The more you exercise, the more your brain releases endorphins, which are neurotransmitters that can increase your happiness. 

Another reason why this is how to enjoy being alone is that it prevents your mind from worrying. Exercise is productive in itself and can make you feel like you’re getting your life back on track and fulfilling a purpose. You actually are. Your mind and your body tend to feel relieved after a workout session.

Know that hitting the gym is a great way to get comfortable leaving your house alone. Nevertheless, there are countless home workouts that you can use as a substitute. 

7. Embrace nature. 

As much as you can enjoy being indoors, you can also experience happiness being alone while outdoors. The minimal occurrences around nature will help you embrace things one step at a time, and thus, your life alone. More so, it’s more relaxing than we can wrap our brains around. Scientists have discovered that this activity tends to reduce blood pressure and also depression.

Some activities you can do include: observing sceneries from your balcony, taking a walk to (and around) a park, or sitting by a waterside or river. You can relish the fresh breeze on your skin and bask in the silence of the atmosphere. Actions like these will keep your mind calm and are how to live happy alone.

8. Actively enjoy alone time.

If you’ve begun learning to be lonely, you need to change your mindset about a lot of things. For example, how to live alone happily. One of the ways to accomplish this is by actively enjoying alone time. Don’t constrict yourself to a portion of your home, but take up all of it. Engage in your favorite hobbies, and don’t be afraid to make a little mess. 

The best part about this activity is to make your presence felt in every part of the room. Put on your favorite music, dance around your home, binge-watch your best movies and simply enjoy being at home. 

More so, you can decide to bake your favorite recipes or treat yourself to home deliveries.

9. Help others out.

One way to enjoy true happiness is to put a smile on other people’s faces. Some activities that can help you accomplish this include volunteering, donating to charity, or simply helping a friend out when they need it. However, it’s also great to help out total strangers because you’re less likely to expect a favor in return. 

Some of the remote ways to be happy alone include researching causes that match your ideals and contributing to something without even leaving your home. Donating some of your old or unused valuables can also make you feel lighter and happier in the long run.


10. Create a gratitude journal.

A secret on how to be happy when alone is to be grateful for all the positive things in your life. You’ll never know how truly blessed you are if you don't reminisce on the good things. That’s why creating a gratitude journal is essential. It can keep you optimistic even when you feel there’s no reason to. 

Having a mental journal is great, but keeping a physical one is essential. Your mind can easily forget some of the good moments you’ve had, but a written record will hastily remind you. Making a photo collage of your favorite times is also a great idea. This will keep you happy when alone, and constantly drift your mind to happy thoughts. Here are some great selection of journals to choose from.

11. Silence your inner critic. 

One of the major things that can prevent you from enjoying a quiet life is your inner critic. While you’re figuring out how to be happy alone, you might unconsciously replay your past mistakes. Your inner critic might also give you multiple reasons why you don’t deserve to be excited about your newly found circumstances.

Therefore, it’s necessary to learn ways to silence the negative voices in your head. Self-reflection is a good thing, but bad thoughts can cripple you. Whenever you find yourself ruminating over things beyond your control, it’s essential to distract yourself. 

Play happy music, dance a little bit, watch exciting movies, or even take a walk and return home. These are key steps on how to be happy and alone.

12. Have a single dinner date.

If you’re wondering how to be happy and single, having a dinner date should be on your bucket list. Whether or not your former partner was great at treating you to special occasions, you should out-do their records. How to be happy alone and single involves preparing a great meal, lighting candles, and having a special moment all by yourself.

The key factor in this scenario is to be comfortable. Also, to create something truly memorable. Fall in love with yourself the way you envision someone else to do it. It’s how to be happy living alone or how to be happy alone after divorce. If you don’t consider yourself a great cook, you can order something fancy online. You can also consider going to your favorite restaurant dressed in your best outfit. You deserve it. 

13. Get creative.

We’ve all had creative sparks at one point in time or another. These are certain times you’ve wished you were great at something or to create something amazing. If you’re wondering how to be happy alone without friends, find time to perfect those skills and get creative. You can learn how to be happy alone by harnessing your inner artist, baker, writer, etc. The list is endless.

It doesn’t matter if you’re great at these activities. What matters the most is getting out of your comfort bubble and trying something new. You’ll inevitably strike off many things from your bucket list. You can take the creative wheel yourself or sign up for a class you can easily commit to.

14. Make plans.

The best way to stop worrying about being alone is if you have a schedule. Always try to make plans for each day to keep yourself occupied. Keep your schedule simple to avoid overburdening yourself with activities. However, aim to put one exciting activity on your list. It can be a solo outing or anything outside your normal routines. 

If you’re more introverted and would like to remain indoors, try to bring the outdoors experience home. Taking a solo trip to an occasion at least twice a week is also essential. It’s how to be happy alone in life without feeling restricted. If you’re more extroverted, visiting an art exhibit or going to a concert are nice activities to put on your schedule.

15. Switch things up. 

There are many times that your schedule will leave you spiritless and unenthusiastic. It will take a creative mind to be happy alone especially when your routines are demotivating. If you want to learn how to be a happy single mom or dad, then you need to be willing to switch things up. Observe your surroundings and see what you can do differently. 

You can also study your schedule and see what’s not working for you. Look at things you can shift to another day, and bring other innovative ideas forward. You can decide to suddenly redecorate or rearrange your surroundings to give yourself a fresh feel of activities. Try a new recipe, visit a new town, or do anything out of the ordinary.

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16. Deal with stressors.

Wondering how to be a happy single man or woman? It’s necessary to accept that life isn’t a bed of roses and deal with whatever’s stressing you out. But first, you have to improve on your coping tactics. If you’ve recently experienced a tough moment in your life, think about other times you encountered something similar. How did you cope during that time?

If you can understand how you manage other difficult situations in your life, it will be much easier to deal with present challenges. It’s also necessary to give yourself some credit. You’re not as feeble as you believe yourself to be. If you’ve handled other tough times, then you can indeed learn how to be happy being alone.

17. Foster associations.

Once you’ve learned how to be happy alone at home, there’s a huge chance you might get too comfortable not communicating with others. That’s why it’s essential to foster meaningful associations around you. You should call your family members or distant friends when necessary. Find out how they're doing and contribute to their well-being if you feel the need to. 

You can also help out a neighbor when they need support or check in on a coworker that seems relatively unhappy about something. All these efforts will inevitably make you feel happy in the long run. 

It’s also how to be happy alone in a relationship or how to stay happy alone during pregnancy. You don’t have to instantly become best friends with anyone but simply nurture the relationships around you. 

Related: 13 Best Practical Ways to Making Friends as an Introvert

18. Accept and Forgive.

One of the fundamentals of how to be happy when you're alone is to accept your present situation and imbibe forgiveness. If you’re an introvert trying to get accustomed to a quiet life, then it's necessary to accept your qualities. Don’t think of yourself as inferior or let other people’s critiques inhibit your happiness. 

It’s also necessary to live by some ‘how to be happy alone’ quotes, and that starts by forgiving other people, and most especially, yourself, for whatever scenario you’re in. A popular quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson says, “Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.” 

It’s also critical to realize that sometimes, you’ll find yourself in the middle of nowhere. And sometimes, in the middle of nowhere, you’ll find yourself.

19. Stay healthy. 

Your mental health and physical health are closely linked. If one of them is affected, it causes a ripple effect on the other. While all the other tips are focused on building your mental health, it’s also crucial to focus on your physical health. Eat healthy foods, maintain a diet, and have regular exercise. Essentially, you should stop any habit that might tamper with your wellbeing.

If you’re wondering how to be happy single mother, taking care of yourself is paramount. Doing activities that you love and having adequate rest are crucial. It’s also how to be a happy person alone. If you’re not sleeping for the required amount of time, you might end up feeling bad about living a quiet life. 

20. Prepare for the future.

Learning how to be happy at home alone will give you more free time. Without fixating on social feeds or trying too hard to build friendships, you’ll have enough time to plan for your future. Think about where you want to be in a few years and start making preparations for it. What skills can you learn today that would increase the likelihood of achieving your goals?

Once you’ve identified factors like this, it will make staying happy alone much easier. These steps can also be helpful if you want to know how to be happy alone during pregnancy. Think about how life is going to change after your due date, and prepare for it. Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you deem fit. 

21. Read books on how to be happy alone.

One of the ways to enjoy alone time is to read books. We recommend anything that piques your interest - be it fiction or nonfiction. However, if you’re wondering how to learn how to be happy alone, then you should read books that speak directly on this topic. There are many great selections to choose from, and we recommend authors that share similar lifestyle patterns as yourself. 

If you’re an introvert, a great ‘how to be happy alone’ book should help you embrace your quiet personality even more. Since we’re already accustomed to a solitary lifestyle, it’s necessary to tackle certain thoughts that might make your feel incompetent and limit your happiness. If you want to enjoy the quiet life, you should read the ‘Am I too Quiet?” book.

how to be happy alone


Can I be happy alone? 

It’s possible to enjoy spending time by yourself, and also essential. It’s necessary to acknowledge that you’re a topmost priority in your life. If you’re unwell, nothing around you can function well. Therefore, taking your happiness as a priority is paramount.

Is it normal to be happy alone?

If you’re an introvert already accustomed to a quiet life, it’s normal to be happy by yourself. You’ll naturally enjoy solitude more than being in the company of too many people. And likewise, drained, when you don’t prioritize your inner bliss.

How do I stay happy alone and single?

Spending time with nature and allowing your mind to wander are some insightful ways to enjoy spending time alone. Take yourself on a date and truly enjoy the perks of being alone. It’s crucial to see yourself as the most important person to cater to at that moment. 

How can I be happy alone without friends?

Most introverts tend to have little to no friends, and there’s nothing wrong with that. If you would rather have meaningful associations than forced friendship, then you’re making a great decision. Having this mindset will prevent you from making comparisons and keep you happy alone.

How can I be happy alone after breakup?

Taking a break from social media to focus more on discovering yourself and enjoying your company is a necessary step after a breakup. Making plans for the future and devoting yourself to achieving your goals will also keep you happy and focused.


Did you enjoy this article? Making efforts to enjoy your company would never be a waste of time. We recommend inventing new hobbies to keep your happiness intact when alone. Kindly share this article if you liked it, or leave a comment below.

Live Your Best Quiet Life


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Yadirichi Oyibo

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