10 Super Interesting Things to Know About INFJ-T Personality Type


Trust me, you’re not as turbulent as you think.

Most times, we only read about the general characteristics of INFJs.

But if you’re an INFJ, you might confess that not every trait you read online tends to suit your temperament exactly. This is because not all INFJs are the same.

There are two major subtypes of INFJs as explained on the 16 Personalities website.

We have the Assertive and the Turbulent INFJ.

From the name itself, it’s easy to believe that the Assertive type (INFJ-A) has everything together, while the Turbulent type (INFJ-T) simply doesn’t.

But this couldn’t be further from the truth. 

All personality types, even the Assertive types have their weaknesses. 

However, for this article, we will be focusing on the perks of being a turbulent advocate.

But first, here’s everything you need to know about the INFJ personality.

The INFJ meaning, also known as the Advocate personality, is a personality type that stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. These traits also give deeper insight into how INFJS think and react to the world.

These individuals can be spotted through their gentle, compassionate, and creative nature. They are also idealistic and imaginative and add a mystical touch to their endeavors. You can easily spot an INFJ by their warm natures and a tendency to form close bonds with people. They also have strong personal values and are deeply thoughtful, searching for meaning and purpose in life. 

But what does INFJ-T stand for?

The INFJ-T meaning is a subtype of the INFJ personality, particularly known as the Turbulent Advocate. This personality subtype is categorized by hypersensitivity to external stressors. INFJ-Ts often experience self-doubt, self-consciousness, and a tendency to magnify the impact of something that bothers them or the people they care about. 

Turbulent INFJs will often feel deeper empathy, which can cause them to be consumed by their problems or the ones of those around them. This hyper-empathy leads them to seek solutions to the problems around them, even at the expense of their happiness. They are also perfectionists who strive for excellence and can sometimes, identify too much with the issues around them.

INFJ-Ts are less in population than their counterpart subtype INFJ-As, which makes them notably rare.

But turbulent advocates aren’t a weak subtype. Irrespective of their hypersensitivity, there are many interesting and unique things about this personality subtype.

In this article, we’re going to share ten amazing things you should know about the INFJ-T personality type. If you’re one, be prepared to discover what makes you a truly rare gem in today’s world.

10 Interesting Things to Know About the INFJ-T Personality 

  1. They handle conflicts differently.

Even though INFJs are mysterious, turbulent INFJs take the crown of mystery because of how they handle conflicts. When there’s a misunderstanding, you won't catch an INFJ-T confronting the other party. Most times, they’d close themselves off. But this action reveals a deeper interpersonal dynamic when it comes to turbulent INFJs.

People with a turbulent advocates personality often experience deeper and more intense emotional reactions to situations than other INFJs. This means that in the heat of a conflict, keeping mute or walking away is the best option to avoid any emotional turmoil or distress.

It’s also important to note that INFJs in general desire harmony. This is particularly true for the turbulent subtypes which might hold this as a personal value. Therefore, a conflict directly attacks their ideals of peace and unity, which would make them prevent any misunderstanding from escalating.

You can easily know if you’re a turbulent INFJ if you tend to suppress information to avoid disagreement. More so, your mind often exaggerates the impact of an argument, which would make you avoid them.

2. They desire autonomy more than you realize. 

INFJs are natural introverts who desire independence. However, a person with a turbulent advocator personality tends to crave this more than other INFJs. This is because general INFJs and even the assertive subtype often have healthy social lives due to their optimism and quest for meaningful relationships.

But when it comes to INFJ-Ts, there’s an intriguing aspect to their social lives. They without a doubt seek out profitable relationships, but desire more solitude due to their sensitivity to external stressors. This sensitive nature can sometimes make them feel ‘not good enough’ or even doubt their talents.

As such, INFJ-T personalities often retreat to solitude to reassess their qualities. This tendency of self-doubt makes them high achievers and perfectionists. They are more likely to spot a problem before it occurs because they are never too confident about their actions. 

Even though turbulent INFJs tend to be more concerned by what others think of them, more than other INFJs, this desire for autonomy creates a balance. Once they retreat, they come out more confident than before—having done the necessary work, and this makes them less insecure or bothered by what others think. 

In turn, turbulent INFJs tend to come off as more introverted than other INFJs, who most people might perceive as extroverted introverts.


3. They have a crazy high level of motivation. 

One obvious trait of the turbulent advocate is self-doubt. They might be really good at something but are mostly uncertain. This self-conscious nature makes them push towards perfectionism, which in turn, builds their motivation level. 

Unlike other INFJs who may be more carefree about their goals, the INFJ-T personality will stop at nothing until they achieve what they want. This is good for the most part because it builds a drive for success that turns out to be profitable. However, there’s a chance of potential burnout especially when their goals aren’t easily achievable.

Nonetheless, once a turbulent INFJ-T can work around creating a balance, they are arguably the unstoppable and successful bunch of INFJs. These individuals also care about those around them too much to give up. So, their unrelenting drive is also rooted in their altruistic nature. 

4. They have deep emotional experiences. 

Turbulent INFJs have emotionally intense and intricate inner worlds, which makes them stand out from other INFJs. This makes a turbulent INFJ soft and tender because they consciously try to avoid things that will bring emotional distress. People around them can feel this INFJ aura and oftentimes, it comes off as mystical-like.

However, there can be downsides to this trait. Anyone with an INFJ-T personality type will often feel more stress and the impact of negative emotions. They’ll also worry more and push towards perfectionism. However, recognizing where to draw the line can help turbulent INFJs harness their strengths more than their weaknesses. 

Feeling things deeply doesn’t have to be a disadvantage. Focusing on the good things in life, and going to a happy place can help numb the negative emotions.

5. They take a unique approach to group dynamics.

INFJ-Ts tend to focus more on problems than the goal of a project itself. They believe that preventing or fixing a problem is the best way to have a positive outcome. Even though this might seem like a bad thing, it’s ironically one of the turbulent advocate superpowers. They can spot errors before they happen, oftentimes like a seer.

This also makes Turbulent INFJs appear as safeguards of team dynamics. While other INFJs would prefer not to focus on potential problems, a turbulent INFJ would be more watchful. This brings a unique perspective to any group they're in—be it family, work, relationships, or friendships. 

They tend to save the group from further planning by noticing loopholes in any situation. They don't do this in a pessimistic way, which is the amazing thing about it. Rather, they take a problem-solving approach that makes people value them more. The best way to know you’re an INFJ-T person is if you’re always concerned about solving problems around you.

6. They have deep personal awareness. 

It’s not a secret that an INFJ turbulent individual can be excessive in their self-criticism compared to other INFJs. However, this extreme behavior of turbulent INFJs comes with its perks. 

For starters, it adds depth to their introspective nature. Self-reflection is a major part of introversion, which is why INFJ-Ts might appear more introverted than other INFJs. Secondly, it showcases a constant quest for personal growth and refinement.

INFJ-Ts are constantly looking for ways to better themselves and the world around them, which can make them one of the best people to have in your life. This also makes them potential great partners, because they’re focused on becoming better. Their friendships and relationships also tend to blossom faster because of this trait. 

It’s why turbulent INFJs should always strive for a healthy balance. Self-criticism can sometimes become unhealthy, or even attract toxic people. But building a sound relationship with yourself and others will always help you reap the benefits of deep personal awareness.

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7. They have a powerful reserved quiet strength. 

The major INFJ-A INFJ-T difference is their level of outgoingness. While you might catch an assertive INFJ more expressive in social settings (despite being introverted), it doesn’t dispute the quiet strength of the INFJ-T type.

Turbulent INFJs are undoubtedly reserved, observant, and calculated. They are also very much self-aware, which might prevent them from being too open in public. 

Outward perception is also something of great importance to INFJ-Ts. Even though caring about what others think can seem like a bad thing, the altruistic nature of turbulent INFJs wants to maintain good social standing with everyone. This doesn’t always work, because people will be people; nevertheless, it’s a unique trait that others can sense and admire about INFJ-Ts.

It’s safe to say that people with a turbulent INFJ personality tend to captivate others with their quiet but selfless qualities.

8. They handle stress differently.

Even though turbulent INFJs are more prone to stress due to their excessive worry, they won’t stress you out. Being with an INFJ is like a walk in the park—peaceful and warm. Their tendency to worry is also rooted in their deep compassion for humanity, which is equally a good thing.

While other people with the personality type advocate might worry less, INFJ-Ts are always thinking of making the world around them better—both for themselves and others. This dynamic can be quite unique and intriguing. 

However, to navigate this trait, INFJ-TS must have the right people around them. Since they are more vulnerable to both internal and external stressors, having the right anchor (be it a friend, partner, or loved one) makes all the difference. 

You’ll need someone to infuse positivity into your quiet thinking and help you develop healthy boundaries. This would be beneficial as you work towards making the world around you a better place.

9. They are not as optimistic as you think but in a good way. 

The Turbulent INFJ may exhibit more pessimism, but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Pessimism has its advantages; and for an INFJ-T person, it builds resilience. Now, don’t get me wrong; being pessimistic doesn’t mean going around spreading negative vibes and telling others how their plans might fail. For an INFJ-T individual, this trait is deeply based on empathy.

A turbulent advocate will spot problems and try to fix them. Their hypersensitive nature, which makes them in tune with the emotions of those around them, causes them to worry more. On the bright side, they are always looking for solutions to these worries. This builds a tenacity to face potential obstacles and overcome them. 

Interestingly, it also makes them good critical thinkers. INFJ-Ts are more likely to consider several options or perspectives before making a decision. Perfectionists at heart, INFJ-Ts are always eager to make the right decisions to have a positive outcome.

10. They take a unique relationship approach. 

When it comes to relationships, the INFJ-T Advocate doesn’t aim low. All INFJs have deep ideals on love and relationships, but turbulent INFJs often have greater ideals and believe in a supreme connection with their significant other. 

INFJ-Ts are the ultimate idealists of the INFJ personality type, and wouldn’t venture on a romantic journey without that feel-good confirmation rooted in their moral beliefs. They don’t just aim for an emotional connection with someone, but a thorough physical, emotional, and spiritual bond.

This might sound unrealistic and too hard to achieve, but with the right person, it’s indeed possible. INFJ-Ts need partners with similar levels of empathy, sensitivity, and ideals on relationships, and the union would be great.

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From one turbulent INFJ to another, I must reiterate that you're not as turbulent as you think. I enjoy being an INFJ-T person as much as I enjoy writing about this personality type. And trust me, the more you learn about your unique temperaments, the more you’ll enjoy being all the shades of you, and leverage your strengths to the fullest. What part of this article was the most enlightening? Kindly leave a comment below and share this article with others.


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