The Curious Thinker: See 25 Signs of INTP Personality Type

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INTP personality type

What is INTP? 

According to the Myers-Briggs personality test, the INTP meaning is an introverted, intuitive, thinking, prospecting personality type.

The I in INTP stands for the introverted mind and refers to someone who prefers minimally stimulating environments and has a reserved personality. 

The N in INTP stands for intuitive energy. People with INTP personality type rely mostly on their intuition and make judgments based on past and present experiences.

The T in INTP stands for the thinking nature. People with INTP personality type believe more in rationality and rely more on their heads when making decisions.

The P in INTP stands for one’s prospecting tactics. People with the INTP personality type are spontaneous and tend to make impulsive decisions. 

The Myers-Briggs INTP are called Logicians.

The 16 personalities INTP can also be regarded as the Thinker personality type or Logician personality type. 

See a detailed look of the INTP cognitive functions, to know how the brains of INTP people operate.

What are the INTP types?

There are two types of INTP (Logicians personality) - INTP-A & INTP-T.

The Assertive Logician (INTP-A) is notably more confident and self-assured than the Turbulent Logician (INTP-T).

People with the Turbulent INTP personality traits are more self-critical with a zest to become better. 

Nevertheless, these two types are similar to each other because they both have introverted, intuitive, thinking, prospecting traits, and according to the INTP stack, have the same MBTI cognitive functions. 

Related: 3 Powerful Things Your Introverted MBTI Turbulent Type Knows

25 Signs You’re an INTP

  1. You have a unique perspective about life.

People with this thinking personality tend to ruminate on subjects differently than the average individual. INTPs undoubtedly have unique perspectives, and human nature, in particular, tends to intrigue them more than other topics. They want to understand why certain things happen in the world and uncover diverse patterns. 

Whether you’re an INTP-A or INTP-T, you’ll identify with these traits. You’ll notice how you think differently from everyone, and sometimes, how no one seems to get you. 

2. You have the same personality type as Albert Einstein.

Another way to know you’re an INTP is if you have the Albert Einstein personality type. The Einstein personality type is categorized with a desire to embrace solitude and search out the hidden truths about life. These character traits made Einstein a revered scientist and prolific in his research. 

If you have similar qualities, it proves you’re an INTP. You would rather spend your night pondering about something you observed than talking about something you barely care about.

3. You effortlessly stand out from the crowd.

Due to their peculiar behaviors, INTPs tend to be unusual, but in a good way. Their general reactions to events are always somewhat different from the crowd. They pave their own ways and live life on their terms, as long as it gets them to their desired goals. 

The INTP percentage population is also relatively low, making these individuals fairly rare. Therefore, it might be hard for them to fit in, or find people who match their intellects.

4. You often get lost in your thoughts.

Being an MBTI logician means having numerous things to think about. Therefore, it’s easy for INTPs to get distracted or disconnected from their surroundings. The Myers-Briggs Thinker would undoubtedly find more pleasure in dissecting information they’ve received than doing most things. 

Their brain gets satisfaction if they can understand certain subjects that are oblivious to the average eye, which is why they spend most of their time immersed in this activity. If most people regularly perceive you as being distant, you might have this personality type. 

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5. You’re constantly buzzing with ideas.

Still asking yourself, “Am I INTP?” The best way to find out is by watching how your mind operates. If you have an endless chain of creative thoughts, you might be an INTP. Logicians are considered to have an alchemist personality. 

They seek ways to turn something ordinary into an exceptional concept. Even so, their minds are constantly attached to the things no one pays attention to, and how to transform it into something beautiful that everyone might want someday.   

6. You enjoy debating subjects.

Being natural thinkers, INTP individuals love debates. It gives them an avenue to express what they’ve been ruminating on. It also allows them to either approve or counter their claims, which will help them better understand things. 

In a nutshell, seeing things from other people’s perspectives gives them more insight into matters. This is why many INTP famous people like Carl Jung and Socrates turned out to philosophers. They simply enjoyed making rational investigations. 

7. People think you’re too reserved.

People with the INTP the Thinker personality enjoy having an introspective life. Therefore, INTPs might come off as too detached or quiet. When they have a stimulating topic to process, they would rather do it in solitude. The quiet scenery helps their minds operate optimally, and think without distraction. 

Thus, if an INTP can't get enough alone time, they’d reach social burnout. Their minds are constantly seeking avenues for expression, and this is mostly possible when they’re alone.

8. Sometimes, people feel you’re overbearing.

When an INTP thinker has fully recharged and is ready to mingle in a social setting, they mostly do it to the extreme. They are supercharged with information with a zest to express their discoveries. Therefore, INTPs can come off as overbearing or sometimes, even annoying.

People with the thinker personality might stir up arguments merely to see others’ perspectives about life. They might also counter a person’s opinions to gauge its worth. If people find you vexatious, you might indeed be an INTP.

9. You enjoy learning new things.

Since Logicians have a zest for knowledge, it’s no doubt that they’d enjoy learning new things. It helps them understand human nature and other things they’re interested in much better. 

Therefore, the best way to get to an INTP’s heart is by doing INTP things. Recommend new learning tools and discoveries on the topics they enjoy. This will make any Logician feel understood. More so, they’ll enjoy rubbing minds with you.

10. You always think out of the box.

People with the Logician personality aren’t limited by their thoughts. Instead, they believe others are. This is why INTP psychology is to think differently from everyone else, and most especially, outside the box. 

It’s a trait that makes the INTP profile even more remarkable. These individuals are always pondering how to make a difference with their imaginations.


11. Extensive socializing drains you.

Amid all the qualities of the INTP personality, people with this personality are indeed introverts. They enjoy their alone time and get exhausted by excessive contact with outsiders. Individuals with the Thinkers personality also have calm personalities. They rarely lose their cool when they’re in public and are highly observant.

Whether you’re an INTP Cancer or Pisces, you’ll identify with these traits. You’ll love staying in your comfort zone and avoid loud or overbearing environments.

12. Mentally stimulating conversations excite you.

It’s in an introvert’s nature to have a quiet composure. They talk only when it’s necessary and would choose to observe rather than make pointless banters. Although it’s a common misconception that introverts are always quiet, these individuals can be talkative when with the right people. 

This character trait can be recognized with those that have the Logician personality. If someone brings up a stimulating topic, they’ll be more than interested to add their opinions. 

13. You’re a mini Sherlock.

Logicians are moved by the complexities of human nature. They seek to analyze patterns, which is why one of the common questions they ask themselves is, “Why does this happen the way it does?” This process also helps them identify irregularities or when things are out of place. 

These are qualities similar to the famous INTP fictional character, Sherlock Holmes, and you might identify with them as an INTP male or female. 

INTP personality type

14. You wouldn’t mind playing devil's advocate for fun.

Since Logicians are drawn to certain types of topics and enjoy having debates about them, they wouldn’t mind provoking an argument merely for the thrill of it. If the debate is centered on a subject they find exhilarating, they’d enjoy the process even more. 

Having back and forth deliberation and seeing people’s points of view can help a Logician get to the bottom of their own confusion. This process might be irritating to others but is enjoyable to both INTP-A and INTP-T characters.

15. You’re a natural problem solver.

Both INTP women and men have a narc with problem-solving. With intuitive thoughts, they can think analytically until they solve tough challenges. These individuals also take new approaches to tackling difficulties because of how differently they think. 

You’ll know you’re an INTP person if you’re always drawn to solving challenges. Even so, you believe there’s always a way out - and you have to be patient enough to find it. 

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16. You tend to struggle with turning your ideas into reality. 

Having an active imagination has its advantages and disadvantages. People with the MBTI thinking personality struggle with this feature. Because they have a pool of creative thoughts, it can be hard for them to choose which method to stick with. 

Therefore, turning their ideas into reality can become a far-fetched dream. It can also make these individuals dissatisfied with themselves and others around. Therefore, they might have to adapt to rigorous schedules to make things work.

17. You take a logical approach to life. 

Logicians are drawn to logic, which explains their thinking character trait. According to INTP functions, the T in INTP represents their thinking nature and explains why these individuals have a rational side. They would rather follow their head and take a scientific approach to handling matters than follow their heart.  

Both male and female INTP people always want factual information when making a decision than acting based on their feelings. The best INTP test is identifying whether you tackle issues intellectually or based on how you feel.

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18. Others’ irrational behaviors often perplex you.

Since INTP people take a rational approach towards everything, they are oftentimes dumbfounded by people’s behaviors who have opposite MBTI functions. That is, those that are led by their emotions and take actions with their heart. 

INTPs believe that people should always act reasonably, which is why even their emotional behaviors surprise them too. Subjects about INTP feelings are often too hard for their minds to grasp.

19. You mostly struggle with being emotional.

Like their name, Logicians are logical. This, however, has its disadvantages and results in INTP struggles. They can’t understand their emotions, nor do they know how to deal with them. They want to take formal and consistent steps, which is why it’s hard for them to dissect the subject of INTP emotions. 

The spontaneity that following the heart brings is often too hard for these individuals to understand. Therefore, things like being vulnerable or emotional are hard for them. 

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20. You are mostly indecisive.

INTP females and males might face some challenges in their romantic relationships. This is mostly because they look for the most rational way to solve their problems even with issues that need an emotional approach.  

This process often leads to ‘analysis paralysis’ and then, ultimately, indecisiveness. They are unfamiliar with vulnerability, and it becomes hard to take active steps when necessary. Being unable to solve their problems can, therefore, make an INTP breakdown.

21. You’re a great observer.

INTPs have an unending quest for knowledge. They work with the information they receive, which is why they’re always on the lookout for wisdom. Both INTP girls and guys enjoy observing subjects because it’s the best way they can get conclusive theories. 

All famous INTP people have this trait. It also helps them in their respective fields and allows them to make a significant difference in the world at large. If you find yourself always paying attention to the little details, you might be an INTP. 

22. You come off as insensitive. 

People with the Thinkers personality might come off as harsh and insensitive, because of their rational sides. They prefer to say things without putting a filter on their words, which can be infuriating for those hanging around them.

If people often complain that you speak unkindly, you might have the INTP personality. Although you generally have good intentions, you still struggle to communicate well.

23. You’re can be impatient or a perfectionist.

People with the INTP personality type often want to share their rationale. But when people don’t understand or agree with their perspectives, they can get impatient and choose not to explain themselves. 

Logicians are also looking for the best avenues to get things done correctly. This can stir up a quest for perfection, which can sometimes be a hindrance to achieving their goals. More so, it can lead to a great deal of indecisiveness. Learning to take life one step at a time can help Logicians a great deal.

24. You’re quite open-minded.

The great side of Logicians is that they think freely. They enjoy having conversations with people and seeing things from other perspectives. Although they might come off as rigid when they counter opposing opinions, they still assimilate the other party’s information appropriately.

An INTP man or woman would always want to see things from two angles before making conclusions. If you tend to do this regularly, you might be an INTP.

25. You crave honesty and always seek the truth.

The difference between an intuitive thinker and anyone else is their quest for truth. These individuals don’t just choose sides, but rather search out factual evidence to back up their findings. Thus, people with the Logician personality always crave honesty from people. 

They wouldn’t want someone lying to them to get an emotional advantage. Instead, they prefer when others are straightforward and plain with their words.


Am I an INTP?

The best way to know that you have the INTP personality type is by watching how you think. If your mind is often curious about subjects relating to human nature, and you have a zest for knowledge, you might have this thinking personality. You’ll also notice that you tend to have full-fledged debates in your head. 

What does INTP stand for?

INTP stands for the introverted, intuitive, thinking, and prospecting personality type. People with this personality are natural thinkers. They have intuitive thoughts and their minds are constantly buzzing with ideas. This is why some of the notable philosophers and psychologists turn out to be INTPs.

Is INTP a rare personality type?

According to INTP statistics, the INTP percentage population is approximately 3.3 percent. Therefore, this personality type is fairly rare. This also means that the INTP’s natural talents are in great demand. 

Why are INTPs so weird?

Since the INTP is a fairly rare personality type, it might be hard for INTPs to blend in easily. They would hardly find people they can truly relate to, and that see the world from their perspective. 

How do you know if your INTP?

The best way to test whether you’re an INTP is to judge how your mind works. Observe your cognitive functions, and if you’re always drawn to deep subjects while having random debates - either with yourself or with others - you might be an INTP.

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