Smart & Ambitious: See 25 Sure Signs of the Personality INTJ

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According to the Myers-Briggs personality test, the INTJ meaning is someone with the introverted, intuitive, thinking, judging cognitive functions. Here’s more about the INTJ description. 

The I in INTJ stands for the introverted mind and refers to someone who prefers minimally stimulating environments and has a reserved personality.

The N in INTJ stands for intuitive energy. People with this trait rely mostly on their intuition and make judgments based on past and present experiences.

The T in INTJ stands for the thinking nature. People with this quality rely mostly on their heads and believe more in rationality.

The J in INTJ stands for one’s judging tactics. People with this character trait tend to stick to routines rather than being spontaneous. 

The Myers-Briggs INTJ is called the Architect personality.

The Myers-Briggs Architect is one of the rarest personality type 16 personalities, with an INTJ percentage of approximately two percent.

See a detailed look at the INTJ cognitive functions here, to know how the minds of INTJs operate.

What are the INTJ types?

There are two types of INTJ (16 personalities Architect), which are the INTJ-A & INTJ-T. 

The Assertive Architect (INTJ-A) is notably more confident and self-assured than the Turbulent Architect (INTJ-T). On the other hand, people with the Turbulent INTJ personality traits are more self-critical. 

Related: 3 Powerful Things Your Introverted MBTI Turbulent Type Knows

This is similar to other Assertive and Turbulent types. These two types are, however, more similar than presumed. 

If you want to know whether you identify with the INTJ 16 personalities character traits, here are twenty-five signs you should look out for.

25 Ways to Know You’re an INTJ

Photo by Anna Oliinyk on Unsplash

25 Ways to Know You’re an INTJ

  1. You analyze everything.

People with the INTJ personality type have thinking natures. They tend to ruminate over subjects and ask themselves questions others might be too afraid to inquire about. Therefore, these individuals have deep insight into several matters. 

Since they think about things beforehand, one of the common Architect personality traits is being highly perceptive. It also helps them to act critically when the situation requires it. If you tend to analyze different subjects, you might be an INTJ.

2. You have a thirst for knowledge.

An Architect’s strength lies in their desire to always know more. This process helps them seize opportunities and become relevant in whichever fields they find themselves in. Since they’re always learning, they have some depth of wisdom that can’t be disputed.

People with the INTJ personality are also intrigued by things that can make them think. They believe it’s where their greatness lie. If you can relate to this trait, you might have this personality type. 

3. You dream big.

The most admirable trait of people with the Architect personality is how they use their minds. Architects are one of the boldest dreamers, and this feature can get others intimidated. They paint mental pictures and work towards turning their thoughts into reality. 

People with this personality also believe limitations are a product of one’s mind, and that everyone is only as great as their thoughts.

4. You can be a pessimist.

Although individuals with the Myers Briggs INTJ personality tend to be bold dreamers, they understand when certain thoughts aren’t achievable. Therefore, their skeptical nature helps them balance out their wide range of thoughts. 

As a mastermind, INTJ people understand the essence of weighing their options. They choose patterns that are most likely to work and know when to count their losses, which makes them indeed rational.

5. You strive to achieve your goals.

People with the Architect personality type do more than just thinking. This makes them somewhat different from the INTPs, who might struggle to bring their thoughts to reality. According to the 16personalities MBTI, INTJs are pretty ambitious.

These individuals believe that willpower and intelligence are important factors to achieve their goals. Therefore, they always trust in their abilities to make things work.

Related: 8 Great Examples to Understand the INTP vs INTJ Comparison 

6. You tend to be cynical.

An INTJ strategist knows how to make things work and are often displeased when others can’t. Therefore, they tend to assume others are lazy or uninventive, when they choose not to improve themselves. 

This misanthropic behavior can create a negative impression about INTJ people. If people often believe you feel superior to them, you might be an INTJ.

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7. You take pride in your knowledge.

INTJ people may be called bookworms because of their zest for knowledge. But ironically, they don’t see it as a disadvantage. Instead, they take great pride in it. INTJs believe that being more informed is the root of all greatness. 

Therefore, the more knowledge they can attain, the more likely they can progress. This is the major reason why people with the INTJ thinking personality tend to be successful.  

8. You’re a fast learner.

Another thing to note about the mastermind personality INTJ is that individuals with its character traits are fast learners. They don’t sit around waiting for others to teach them things. They would rather search out facts on their own and master them, if possible.

The best INTJ personality test is to observe how to treat topics that interest you. If you are ambitious to learn more about it, you might be an INTJ.

9. You’re independent.

The single-mindedness of the 16 personalities INTJ forms most of their traits. They enjoy making personal decisions and following their own precepts. More so, these individuals are intentional about creating their worlds based on the information they have. 

According to the MBTI 16 personalities, INTJs might be hard to work with because of this feature. They would rather have others follow their paths than let people dictate what they should do.

10. You have little patience for frivolities. 

Anything that doesn’t align with an INTJ’s mission often doesn’t interest them. If it doesn’t make sense to them and their goals, they wouldn’t want to talk about it. Therefore, one of the prominent INTJ personality traits is avoiding small talk.

These individuals have little tolerance for those that try to distract them. It’s also one of the reasons they prefer to act alone and live life on their terms.

11. You have a witty sense of humor.

Due to the highly ambitious nature of the INTJ Architect, people tend to assume these individuals are cold and humorless. Nevertheless, when it comes to having a sense of humor, the introvert Architect doesn’t fall short.

Most of their wittiness can be delightful, but it can otherwise be profane. But one major fact remains that they’ll make others – even themselves – laugh, when they want to.

12. You tend to be skeptical about things. 

A major character of the 16 personalities the Architect is that they question everything. They don’t follow popular opinion, but usually want to find out things for themselves. Their discoveries tend to make more sense to them than what others believe to be true.

If you prefer having personal opinions on matters, you might be an INTJ. Thus, you’re not easily persuaded by things.

13. You’re a rebel.

There’s nothing more exciting to an INTJ person than breaking a few rules. This process helps them find better ways of doing things. Therefore, pointless laws is one thing that can aggravate these individuals.

The Architect 16 personalities doesn’t want to feel constricted because it can tamper with their quest for success. Therefore, they create their own rules and relish in them.

intj personality type

14. You’re drawn to workable strategies.

One of the most important things the Architect 16 personalities enjoys is an idea or concept that works. They don’t only want to be inventive but are ultimately concerned about practicality. Therefore, they try to use their insight to achieve these things.

If you’re well-informed about a subject an INTJ likes, and you have workable strategies, you can easily get on their good side. More so, if you can relate to wanting this, you might be an INTJ.

15. You can come off as insensitive.

Due to the strong independence of the MBTI INTJ, these individuals tend to neglect other people’s opinions and feelings in order to achieve their goals, which can come off as insensitive.

They also prioritize being successful than acting nice, which is why many fictional INTJ characters are portrayed as Villains. Their rational mind makes them unconscious of how their statements affect others, and most times, others struggle to relate with them.

16. You often experience social frustration. 

An INTJ MBTI values depth in conversations. They want others to talk about truths that can advance their mindsets. This is why they might see no point in engaging in small talk or exchanging pleasantries. 

However, this behavior tends to come across as rude, whereas, this intellectual personality type desires to associate with like minds, and those who share similar priorities with them. 

17. You have natural confidence. 

INTJs are knowledgeable people who understand how to get things done. Pointless criticism rarely ever makes an INTJ back down from a challenge and is why many are moved by their confidence.  

Some examples of INTJ famous people like Elon Musk, Michelle Obama, and Arnold Schwarzenegger have a high sense of self-assurance and authority that can’t be disputed.

18. You’re a deep strategist.

The Architect MBTI believes in making strategic moves in life instead of unplanned ones. They consider their options and match it to their strengths before taking action. Therefore, the INTJ explained in one sentence is someone who strategizes to get the best results accomplished.

These individuals also prioritize attaining success more than anything else, which is why the carefully-thought-out lifestyle of the INTJ is a trait that makes them stand out from the crowd.


19. You’re extremely determined.

Another INTJ test is observing how willing you are to achieve your goals. Are you easily discouraged by challenges? Or is there an unshaken zeal to overcome all obstacles that limit you? If the latter is the case, then you’re without a doubt, an INTJ. 

INTJ people believe that their insight and cleverness can help them achieve the heights they're looking for, no matter the confrontation.

20. You can get pretty combative.

People with the engineer personality type tend to question everything, including authorities. They aren’t comfortable blindly following instructions and tend to get combative if things get in their way of success.

Most times, they might not realize that these situations are a distraction from their main purpose. If you can relate to this scenario, you might indeed be an INTJ.

21. You tend to easily dismiss emotions.

Rationality is king to every INTJ person, which is why they tend to dismiss other people’s emotions, even theirs. They believe that any decision made from an emotional context has less value than one made with facts.

These INTJ traits can limit them in their reasoning and cause unnecessary disputes. Therefore, finding a balance can help these individuals reach the peak of their potential.

22. You can be romantically clueless.

One of the most common INTJ characteristics is their imaginative and strategic mindsets. But this can cause these individuals to spend more time thinking about love than expressing it. Love feels like a second language to INTJ people since they prioritize rationality.

In the beginning stage of their relationships, they might experience difficulties understanding the complexities of love. This process might even make them cynical about finding the right partner.

Related: 5 Easy Hidden Things Each Introverted MBTI Needs in Relationships

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23. You’re quite versatile.

Both INTJ females and males are open to creative ideas. They never limit their options because they’re more intrigued by concepts that work rather than following a particular notion. Therefore, these individuals tend to be successful in many endeavors.

Since they’re resilient enough to accept multiple challenges, diving into new works is never a problem. If you don’t put all your eggs in one basket, you fit the INTJ description.

24. You can come off as arrogant.

Although Architects are well informed, they are still liable to errors. However, the self-sufficient nature of these individuals might make them believe others are inferior, thereby, causing them to come off as arrogant.

They might fail to take advice from those they deem unintellectual or uneducated. Whereas, all they need to realize is that wisdom resides in all sets of people.

25. You’re curious yet focused.

The Architect tends to have contradictory character traits. For example, although they have an inquisitive mind, they maintain a superb concentration level. This behavior indeed makes them peculiar.

More so, being imaginative, they can still make apt decisions, which is another reason why many are drawn to their temperaments. If you have a clear-cut idea of what you want and remain unyielding to distractions, you might be an INTJ.


What's my personality type INTJ?

According to the MBTI personality test, INTJ is the introverted, intuitive, thinking, judging personality type. Individuals with this personality are called Architects and are notably rare. They also have an ambitious nature that others can only dream to acquire. 

What does INTJ stand for?

What is INTJ? The 16personalities test refers to INTJ as the introverted, intuitive, thinking, judging personality, which makes up approximately two percent of the world’s population. They might be similar to the INTPs, but one major difference is the strategic steps they take. 

What does INTJ mean?

INTJ is one of the MBTI personalities coined from the cognitive functions: introverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging. People with these character traits are either called Architects or Strategists. They are extremely creative and analytical, and always striving to make things work.

Is INTJ the worst personality?

Although INTJs may seem overly critical of others, they make tremendous impact in their respective fields. Some famous INTJ people that have exhibited exceptionality include Samantha Power, Vladimir Putin, Christopher Nolan, etc.

What is the IQ of an INTJ?

INTJs are rare individuals, which means most of their natural talents are always in high demand. According to statistics, sixty percent of INTJs are gifted, and have high IQs. Therefore, INTJ people attain notable positions. 

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Did you enjoy this article? Know that applying a certain amount of irrationality as an INTJ doesn’t weaken your intellect, but adds to it. Therefore, knowing when to balance this trait can increase your level of strength. Kindly leave a comment below or share this article if you liked it.


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