The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Introverts (36 Things to Know)

understanding introverts

Photo by Ospan Ali on Unsplash

Introverts tend to feel misunderstood in more ways than one.

People refer to them as quiet, shy, and sometimes anti-social, even though these attributes are independent of introversion.

Therefore, it’s critical to learn how to understand introverts.

There’s a beauty in introversion that only a few extroverts have been privileged to see. Understanding introverts is the first key to unraveling the uniqueness of this personality type. Here’s everything you need to know about the quiet personalities of introverts.  

Related: The Introvert Meaning: See 26 Fascinating Signs You’re an Introvert

36 Things You Should Know About Introverts

understanding introverts

Photo by Ospan Ali on Unsplash

  1. They enjoy being alone.

One fantastic fact about introversion is that it comes with a sense of self-sufficiency. Some might perceive this is as pride or that introverts are lonely people. On the contrary, every introvert enjoys spending time alone. Amazingly, they rarely ever feel lonely.

2. Sometimes, they have nothing planned.

Someone with a quiet personality type finds comfort in minimal activities, including doing absolutely nothing. People who tend to intrude on an introvert’s need for personal space may get on their wrong side. It’s also critical not to take their desire for solitude the wrong way. They simply enjoy spending time alone.

3. Bringing up their quietness is insensitive.

Telling an introvert they’re too quiet or shy is similar to telling an outgoing person that they’re too loud. Every introvert is already aware of their reserved personality, and stating this will only make them more withdrawn. This reason is why it’s critical to avoid this statement, especially if you’re trying to win them over.

4. Don’t try to fix them.

A common impression people have about introversion is that they can fix it. They feel introverts are generally shy and need to come out of their shells. On the contrary, being an introvert comes with outstanding benefits. It’s vital to embrace their qualities and not to try to change them.

5. Don’t visit them unexpectedly.

The mind of an introvert operates quite differently from others. Introverts like to prepare for activities and rarely take spontaneous actions. If you want to visit them, be sure to let them know first, or they’ll be hesitant to welcome you into their schedule.

6. Sometimes, they don’t feel like talking.

One of the facts about quiet people is that they feel exhausted after talking for too long. This process is known as overstimulation, where the mind shuts down and needs time to re-energize. Therefore, it’s critical not to force a quiet person to talk, especially when they don’t feel like it.

7. They’re rarely ever bored.

Have you ever heard the phrase, “quiet people have the loudest minds”? People with this personality type are always preoccupied because they have active minds. Never assume they have nothing to do or get offended when they pass on a seemingly exciting offer, because they’re always engrossed in one activity or the other.

Related: Am I Too Quiet? P.S. No, You’re Not. A How-To Guide to Using Your Introversion to Your Advantage


8. Quiet and shy don’t mean the same thing.

One of the most common misconceptions about introverts is that they’re shy. On the contrary, a quiet person has disparate qualities from one exhibiting shyness. A shy person has social anxiety and would refrain from having a conversation. Introverts, on the other hand, have withdrawn attributes and are not afraid of relating with others.

9. They’re not depressed.

Quiet people can sometimes be perceived as introverted and depressed. People can mistake their need for space as sadness, anger, or loneliness. On the contrary, the introverted personality isn’t expressly linked with these negative traits, as even extroverts can experience them too. Introverts merely get their energy differently, and people need to acknowledge this.

10. Introverts have fun too.

People feel introversion is an unexciting personality. However, an introvert’s idea of fun differs from the average person’s. They find excitement in little things, and sometimes, this could happen in their minds. Introverts tend to observe more than they act, which might pass the impression that they rarely have fun, which isn’t the case.  


11. They aren’t rude or snobbish.

Introversion can be described as a withdrawn personality type, where a person spends time within the walls of their minds. This attribute can also make that person distracted from reality. It’s vital not to presume these individuals are rude because they merely need time to warm up to their environments.  

12. They aren’t weird.

The personality of introversion is self-assertive. People with this personality know what they want and persuade themselves to follow their interests instead of what others want. About twenty-five to forty percent of the world’s population is introverted, so it’s a wrong impression to think that these individuals are weird.  

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13. They don’t want to be alone all the time.

A well-known fact about introversion is that individuals with this personality tend to enjoy their alone time more than anything else. However, understand that this isn’t always the case. Introverts also want to mingle with others. They only crave time alone when they need to recharge from an overstimulating activity.  

14. They’re not afraid of public spaces.

Unlike widespread knowledge that individuals with the personality of introversion dread being in social settings, they enjoy being around others. They have a mind that craves to observe and assimilate information, which is only possible around people.

15. They’re more confident than you realize.

People tend to think that low self-esteem produces the personality type of introverts. This notion is why many believe pushing introverts out of their comfort zones will instantaneously change their traits. On the contrary, an introvert is more self-assured than most individuals realize. They only have reserved personalities because they take their time to warm up to environments.

16. They can be social too.

You can find an introvert and extrovert mix because not all introverts are strictly introverted. It’s possible to see a talkative introvert who tends to be quiet in public places. One of the secret facts about introverts is that they choose where and when to be social.

17. Being quiet doesn’t mean there’s a problem.

Introverts and extroverts define fun in relatively different ways. What might excite an outgoing person may tire someone on the soft-spoken side. It’s essential for extroverts not to categorize a reserved individual’s personality with having problems because they could subtly be having the most fun.

18. They don’t like being interrupted.

The psychology quiet people have about relating with others is that they only open up to those they’re comfortable around. If an introverted girl shares something with you, try not to interrupt her midway because it will make her more withdrawn around you. Opening up about something private requires trust, so it’s important to make this step a priority.

Things introverts want you to know

19. Don’t pressure them to talk.

The worst way to start a conversation with an introvert is by forcing them to talk. You have to be patient with them to get comfortable around you. One of the essential introvert facts to remember is that they don’t talk for its fun—they speak with intention and purpose.

20. Small talk won’t win them over.

Extroverts tend to use the old-fashioned technique of small talk to win introverts over. However, a meaningful conversation is the best way to get the attention of introverted people. Even better, start the conversation with something they love personally.  

21. Don’t get offended when they want to go home soon.

An introvert’s mind is prone to get overstimulated faster than the average person, meaning that they’re bound to crave solitude sooner than you expect. It’s essential to understand this fact whenever a quiet person demands to go home and not to take it the other way.

22. They can’t drastically have extroverted traits.

It’s crucial for extroverts to understand a reserved person’s personality and relate with them accordingly. Having absurd expectations will only increase their anxiety and would make them hesitant to associate with you.  

23. They’re not anti-social.

The most surprising fact about quiet people is that they’re entertaining to be around when you get to know them. It would help if you were willing to understand them so you can experience more than their introverted sides. You should also try to be patient with them to open up to you.

24. They won’t explain their personality to you.

The inward personality of introverts makes them excellent observers. They pay attention to details and notice more than they speak. If you ever say, “I want to know more about you,” to an introvert without being willing to observe their personalities, you won’t establish a great bond with them.

25. They’re not proud.

People think of pride as one of the negative traits of introverts. People feel that a reserved person’s reluctance to mingle with others is a sign of arrogance. On the contrary, introverts are incredibly humble and are, most times, astonished whenever people care to notice them.   

26. They don’t hate you either.

Introversion makes people more in tune with their emotions, inclining them to be more compassionate. An introverted person may try to conceal their vulnerable side, passing the impression that they’re cold. However, underneath the emotionally-absent impression that people have about introverts, they are tremendously empathetic.

27. They are loyal to their nature.

The worst way to put pressure on introverts is by insisting on change. Understand that even though an introvert alters their quiet personality, they won’t be comfortable. This type of pressure makes many introverts scared of embracing their personality type in public, and would rather pretend to be extroverted.  

28. They live in their bubble.

The reserved personality of a quiet person demands a degree of self-sufficiency. Introverts live in a bubble, making them easily distracted and inattentive to their surroundings. Don’t get offended when they don’t respond to you as fast as you expect, or in the manner you desire.

29. Don’t force them to open up.

Introversion can sometimes isolate a person to their mind. When they get comfortable, they’ll be more open to others. Forcing introverted people to open up without making an effort to understand or get to know them wouldn’t yield satisfactory results.

30. They won’t always say “hi” first.

An introvert is naturally a deep thinker, and sometimes, may overthink in social situations. This notion doesn’t necessarily mean they’re shy but shows how withdrawn they are. Therefore, it’s essential to acknowledge that your might need to make the first move to get them to open up.

31. Inform them before making plans.

Introverts are never excited about impromptu arrangements because they’re not necessarily spontaneous. You have to inform them early enough because they need to prepare themselves. More so, don’t get offended if they’re not as excited about the event as you are.

32. Guilt-tripping won’t help either.

It would be best not to make quiet people feel bad for being themselves. They can make compromises for you but will still prioritize their need to recharge. More so, try not to discredit their personality type, or it will ruin the potential of any friendship blooming.

33. They’re okay with their social lives.

Shyness doesn’t characterize introversion, even though some introverts can be shy. It would help if you didn’t associate this trait with their minimal social lives. They’re pleased with the few friends they have, and would only accommodate relationships they can handle.

34. Watch out for cues.

While getting to know an introvert, it’s essential to observe specific cues because they won’t voice everything they feel in the moment. The most important cue to watch out for is when an introvert is tired and needs to rest, especially when you’ve been talking for too long. They’ll be too polite to tell you.  

35. They ironically have a lot to say.

One of the biggest introvert myths is that introverts are quiet because they have nothing to say. Ironically, introverted people have more to say than most people realize. Oral speech merely isn’t their most prominent form of expression; but they’ll be more open in their comfort zones.

36. Patience is critical.

Understanding an introvert takes time, but you’ll love the process because most of your negative impressions about introverted people will change. If you’re saying, “I want to know more about introverts,” understand that being patient is crucial, and you’ll be happy you waited.


How to talk to a introvert

how to talk to an introvert

Photo by Ospan Ali on Unsplash

Learning how to get an introvert to open up is essential. Introversion is a withdrawn personality that demands a certain level of comfortability for expression. If you prioritize how to get to know an introvert, you’ll have a satisfying relationship with these individuals.

Although introverts has similar characteristics, every introvert is different, and you should treat them as such. When you perceive signs an introvert doesn’t like you, it’s most likely because you haven’t taken out time to know them distinctively.

Since you need to learn the likes and dislikes of a girl to win her over; in the same way, you need to know a quiet person’s temperaments to get on their right side. Don’t have an entitled mindset when talking to introverts, or you wouldn’t make progress. Instead, be patient and allow everything flow naturally.

To the introverted woman

introvert woman

Photo by Ospan Ali on Unsplash

The stigma on female introverts is more pronounced than introvert men because it’s easier to spot when a lady is quiet in social settings than with men. Nonetheless, being a reserved woman doesn’t make you inferior. It’s an appealing quality that most people secretly find attractive. Never be intimidated to fit in because you’re doing a great job standing out.



Do introverts talk to themselves? 

Introversion is characterized with an inward personality, meaning that the mind of a female introvert or introvert guy is incredibly active. Although quiet, introverts have inner monologues in their heads and are bound to talk to themselves now and then.  

What are introverts like?

People mostly think the question, “what is an introvert like?” can be answered using the words ‘quiet’ or ‘shy’. However, a brilliant fact is that introverts can be as outgoing as extroverts. It merely depends on the venue and their comfortability level.

What do introverts like?

One of the vital things to know about introverts is that they enjoy minimally stimulating environments. However, an introvert man would have disparate preferences to introverted women. Therefore, if you want to make an introvert smile, you need to find out their distinctive likes and dislikes.

What do introverts do?

Some introvert misconceptions include the notion that reserved people only do introvert stuff. Apart from watching movies, spending time at home, and reading books, one of the secrets about quiet people is that they occasionally enjoy engaging in fun, outdoor activities too.

What do introverts do for fun? 

There are many things introverts do for fun apart from the typical ‘introvert things’ people expect. One of the fun facts about introverts is that they enjoy going to new places and seeing new sights. Introverts consider anywhere and anything that can feed their mind as ‘introvert fun.’

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Did you enjoy this article on what introverts want you to know? Apart from the thirty-six things listed above explaining introverts, understand that quiet people have similar characteristics but are different altogether. As an extrovert, try to know introverts distinctively. Kindly leave a comment or share this article on introverts with your friends.


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